About Enhanced Business Name Search
By XYZ updated on 9/21/2015.
With Enhanced Business Name Search you can quickly find out if a business name has been registered with the Ontario gvernment within the past five years. Searches can be done on exact business names, similar business names or by the Ontario Business Identification Number.
Currently, you can request any one of four report types:
- Business Names Report: This report displays extensive information on any business name registered on or after April 1, 1994 and which is still current and has not expired. This will include information on Sole Proprietorships, General Partnerships, Corporate Style registrations and Limited Liability Partnerships. The report includes:
- the business name
- registration date
- expiry date
- business address
- business activity
- registrant(s) name(s) and address(es)
- documents filed and filing dates
- the BIN (Business Identification Number)
- The Business Names Report contains the most recent information
- Certified Business Names Report: This version is a certified copy of the Business Names Report, which may be required by various institutions (courts, banks) from time to time.
- Statement of No Match Found: This report will be provided where the business name or BIN (Business Identification Number) searched is not found on the list of active businesses or if there is no record of registration of the business name in the last five years. It is not available as a certified report. If you require a certified proof of the non‐existence of a Business Name Registration, you must order a Certificate of Non‐Registration.
- Certificate of Non‐Registration: This certificate is provided on the same basis as a Statement of No Match Found but is a certified copy.
Goverment fee
Report Name
Report Fee (Pre-Authorize amount)
Possible Substitution
Substituted Report Fee
Detailed Business Names Report |
Statement of No Match Found |
Certified Detailed Business Names Report |
Statement of No Match Found |
Statement of No Match Found |
Detailed Business Names Report |
Certificate of Non-Registration |
Detailed Business Names Report |
Iris CPA, CGA cell: 647-779-7887; Wechat: xyz4tax
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